Saturday, October 27, 2012

Meanwhile, back in Themiscrya...

A shift in story just as our heros entered round 3 with their new playmates.  A cut-scene for some background info.

Kinda happy with this one, kinda not.  Eh ... perhaps it's just were I've only had 5 hours of sleep in the past two days.

As a side note - experienced my first SCA event today.  Barring the cold weather and my daughter being under the weather herself, it was most excellent - we both enjoyed it.

Tuesday, October 16, 2012

Or is she?

Yeah, yeah - a couple of days late, but pre-generated excuse #144 - I (hopefully) corrected some coding errors of the comic pages, added an archive page (graphic to come later) and tried to spiff the over sleekness.

Pretty content with this one - I was ahead of schedule til I started my web-monkey tinkering.

Tuesday, October 2, 2012

Finally - rescuing the damsel in distress

So I'm a three days late.  Big deal.

I'm fairly happy with this one, although I probably should go back over this later on.  I need to work on the light / shadow in this one, and the two before it.  Enjoy.