Wednesday, January 16, 2019

Cut Scene (back at it again)

Well, it's been a little while since there has been any updates, but here is a new page!

Take your time.  Re-read the last few pages of the "current" chapter is you need to.  We'll wait.

Ok, now that everyone is caught up I'll continue with my rambling....

So, the cut scene.  The story transitions to the Temple of Rovanova and Lady Delphae.  The Amazon oracle has a premonition of what may come that tickles her memory of past adventures?  She must search the journals in the Library.....

This page has been done for quite some time, collecting dust on my computer's HD.  I had finished it about the time my mom was hospitalized, and it was just down hill from there for months.  After the funeral I just didn't feel like being creative, and kinda stayed there for a bit.  But now, I'm back, so I'm going to try and get back on track (somewhat) with the comic.

I have been motivated, in part, by my daughter and her friends asking to run a D&D 5E game for them.  So, of course, it had to be set in the Arcane Compass.  Thus, the Daring Tale from the Arcane Compass was born.

Since I like to have all my ducks in a row, as it were, I decided to use both sites (here and there) as a library resource.  And since I haven't updated the web comic, figured it was time I got off my lazy butt and did so.

There has been A LOT of changes in the world in the past year - one of the bigger ones for the comic book world is the passing of Stan Lee.  You will be missed Stan, but thank you so much for all the imagination fuel you have provided.

This one is for you Stan -

Until next time,


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