Saturday, April 25, 2015

Well, that didn't escalte too quick ...

And after an extended vacation, we return to our heroes journey into the Boneyard Canyon.  They have made it to the entrance to the creepy canyon that they must travel through, in order to reach their destination.  Will they make it in time?  Will the Boneyard Canyon live up to it's eerie name?  Stand tuned for an answer!

Ok, so the desk combined with a computer idea worked pretty well - until the (expletive redacted) widows 8 decided that it needed to repair sector on the hard drive.  So, like an idiot, I let it.  It then decided to reformat the WHOLE hard drive .....

....thus erasing the five pages, the 3D CGI model of Addakhan Strold, and the playing cards deck in the process.  Needless to say, huge set back.  But, things, as you can see, are back up and running.