Sunday, February 21, 2016

Off to a slow 2016 ....

A new page, finally ..... here.

A little tardy for the new year, but here we change locations for a cut scene.  A little bad guy time never hurts the story's development, right?  Wonder what the "geodesic expansion algorithms" are?  Or, more importantly, when will they show up in the story again?  And what is that glowing cube?

Perhaps laying the ground work for future expositions ... or, maybe, some plot threads?

Having a slow start to the new year, but hopefully this year will see the completion of this current story arc, and a lot of updates on the web site.  I plan on greatly expanding the Cartography and Encyclopedia sections, and hoping to upload more content to my deviant art page.  I guess we'll just see how motivated I am for the rest of this year.

Until next time,


1 comment:

  1. WOW...your stuff just gets better and better John! I will be joining you here on Blogger soon posting new comics and art.
